Saturday, October 27, 2012

This House Believes That You Make Me Love You

Madam Chair, I would like to preempt all arguments from the opposing houses by saying that I personally DON'T CARE about whatever arguments they have. They are all MOOT. So sit down, Opp Whip. It's not even past the first minute yet.

Thank you.

So first of all, we set this debate up in my heart. Where all my love is stored. It's not about you. It's about me. So yes, in my heart. :) And the standard of this debate is whether or not this is really love. But we all know it is.  

POINT! What if it's just puppy love?

Shut up. It's not puppy love. And I never took your point. Sit down and be touched.

First argument
"You MOVE me"

Yes, I am the Paula Abdul to whatever you do. I'm that much of a fan. You touch that tender part of me whenever you tell me about your day. How you helped your friend staple her testpapers together. How you found an injured kitten and nursed it back to health. How you single-handedly lifted a tractor off a three-day old baby rhino. YOU. TOTALLY. MOVE. ME. 

And the best part is, I'm not white-knuckling throughout the entire story. I ACTUALLY enjoy listening and being touched by you. Promise. Cross my heart. I don't pretend I'm interested, like I do when I'm in my Filipino class. I'm honestly, and sincerely interested in listening to you doing stuff that'd normally cause me to slap the bejeezus out people if they start at it again.

With my other friends
Shut up! I don't want to hear about that time you didn't "know" about the long exam your teacher was to give you so you had no idea about the lessons but you topped the exam anyway.    
But with you it's like this:

And personally, I think that's a pretty good sign that I'm like, you know, TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH YOU AND STUFF. :D

So yeah, teehee, moving on...

Second Argument:

That in itself would make ANYBODY fall in love with ANYBODY. Understanding someone, despite everything they've done, and being cool with it means they're willing to accept them and reciprocate their feelings WHATEVER their past may have been. 

POINT! That's not mutually exclusive on your part. 
She can be understanding to everyone. 
Does that mean they deserve her, too?

May I remind you, Mr. Smarty Pants, that the debate here is whether or not SHE'S MAKING ME LOVE HER and not whether or not SHE SHOULD BE WITH ME, or SHE'LL END UP WITH ME or any other inevitable situation. So regardless of how applicable it is to any other human being, what matters in this debate is whether or not what she does contributes to my feelings towards her. 



Third Argument:
"I simply LOVE you"

This should've been my main argument. But for drama's sake I've put it last. 

And it's all the argument I need.

It's simple as that.

I love you and that's all that matters. The fact that it's true means that you do make me fall in love with you. And the motion stands. It doesn't really need to be pointed by extensive prongs. And you CAN'T, actually. Because if you CAN, then it'd be either of two things:

a.) It'll take forever. If you're love were true, then that list would never end. 
b.) It's not TRUE love. If you've actually quantified your love for someone, you've limited it to your mere human logic. It's not infinite anymore. There are boundaries to your affections. And I don't think that's love. Well, true love that is. 

And the only way to en-capsulize all your feelings is to merely state the truth of its existence. To say that I love you and I love you NO MATTER WHAT. The next argument would merely support it, and so will the next and the next and so on. 

So, yeah.


End of story. Gov wins.

1 comment:

How about a slice of YOUR pie?