This Memorandum of Agreement, made and entered into by and between:
ME, referred to as FIRST PARTY, and
YOU, herein referred to as SECOND PARTY.
Whereas the FIRST PARTY is a man who is willing to support, encourage and make true the hopes and dreams of the woman he loves. And whereas the SECOND PARTY is the identified beneficiary of this undertaking.
Whereof, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, both parties hereby agree to the following:
1. That the FIRST PARTY will agree to stay by the SECOND PARTY's side, and let her know how beautiful she is despite a so-called "bad hair day".
2. That the FIRST PARTY will always let the SECOND PARTY have the last say---no matter what.
3. That the FIRST PARTY will always let the SECOND PARTY know if she has some spaghetti sauce on her cheek to prevent her from embarrassment.
4. That the FIRST PARTY will make sure the SECOND PARTY gets to splurge on her favorite ice cream and cake when it's that time of the month---if she wants to. Well, SECOND PARTY can splurge on them anytime she wants, as long as she's prepared for the tummy-ache the next day (which FIRST PARTY will ultimately nurse and slightly nag about).
5. That the FIRST PARTY will hold SECOND PARTY's hand, kiss her on the cheek and hug her tightly when she needs it. FIRST PARTY respects SECOND PARTY's space and will only openly show affection when SECOND PARTY asks for it. That does not mean, however, that FIRST PARTY is cold and insensitive. Both FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY agree on the dynamics of this.
So haters can like, back off.
6. That most importantly, FIRST PARTY will work hand-in-hand with SECOND PARTY in making sure that they both GROW and FLOURISH in their personal walks with Christ. That by the end, when at death they do part, they are secure of the other's ultimate destination. This is the most vital prong to this memorandum, and this bears the most value to the agreement. This, in actuality, is at the very core of the whole relationship---and should stay there for the rest of their lives.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this memorandum of Agreement by their respective duly authorized representative on the date and place written in the Lord's Word.